Bradley Glazier

Bradley Glazier | Grand Rapids Attorney

What five documents should I collect for my Michigan employment lawyer?

To increase the chances of having an attorney take your wrongful discharge case, there are important documents that you should collect before you contact the attorney. All of these documents are important in deciding whether you have a case that can be won in court. And even though very few cases actually end up in […]

What five documents should I collect for my Michigan employment lawyer? Read More »

Bradley Glazier | Grand Rapids Attorney

Damages in Wrongful Discharge Cases in Michigan

This post is from the materials produced by myself and Michelle P. Crockett, an attorney with the law firm of Miller Canfield, at the Insititute of Continuing Education’s 35th Annual Labor & Employment Law Institute presented on Friday, April 30,2010. Michelle practices employment law from the management side. I. Introduction Although the damages available in

Damages in Wrongful Discharge Cases in Michigan Read More »

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