
Light It Up Blue!

Beginning April 2, 2015, Cunningham Dalman, P.C. will “Light It Up Blue” in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day! We will be joining iconic landmarks, hotels, sporting venues, concert halls, museums, schools, universities, bridges, retail stores, and thousands of homes around the world in this important celebration. In case you are unaware, here are some […]

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When a Will and Trust Don’t Tell the Whole Story: Filling in the “Personal Details” Gaps

Who do we need to call first? Where would he want to be buried? Where did he leave his important documents and valuables? A few months ago, my wife forwarded me a Wall Street Journal article that highlighted some of the unique “personal details” that become important when a loved one dies. The questions above

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Retirement Assets Risk Exposure to Bankruptcy Creditors

Mr. Baby Boomer worked hard his entire life and faithfully maxed out annual contributions to his individual retirement account (IRA). Mr. Boomer was diligent about arranging his affairs. Upon Mrs. Boomer’s passing he confirmed with the financial advisor managing his IRA that his beloved daughter had already been named as contingent beneficiary of his IRA.

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Changes to Michigan’s Criminal Record Rules – Less Roadblocks to Employment

For those with past criminal convictions, the notion of paying one’s debt to society has not always been viewed as satisfied once a term of probation ends or the jailhouse doors open. A new law, however, supported by some unlikely allies, including the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan and the ACLU of Michigan, has taken

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