Online Payments
We accept online payments for invoices and retainers through these methods:
Credit Cards

Debit Cards

All online payments are processed through LawPay – a secure, safe and reliable online payment processor.
At Cunningham Dalman, we strive to provide the best legal services for a reasonable fee. Because we don’t sell products, no refunds will be available. Any unused retainer can however be returned upon request. By making a payment to Cunningham Dalman, you are confirming that you understand and accept the preceding.
Credit/Debit Card Payments:
Please email to receive a secure payment link.

- Jessica Arends
- McKenna Bethke
- Carole D. Bos
- Jennifer DeYoung
- Nicholas R. Dekker
- Vincent L. Duckworth
- John Fitzpatrick
- Natashka Fris
- Bradley Glazier
- Lindsey J. Gorsline
- Jeffrey K. Helder
- Rachel L. Hillegonds
- Thomas J. Hillegonds
- Robert Howard
- Gregory J. McCoy
- P. Haans Mulder
- Randall S. Schipper
- Carl Thorwall
- Ronald J. Vander Veen
- Susan E. Vroegop
- Of Counsel
- David M. Zessin
- Joel G. Bouwens
- Andrew Mulder
Our Practice Areas
- Agricultural Law
- Banking & Commercial Transactions
- Bankruptcy Law - Corporate
- Bankruptcy Law - Personal
- Business & Corporate Law
- Construction Law
- Criminal Law
- Elder Law / Medicaid Planning
- Employment Law for Employees
- Employment Law for Employers
- Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts
- Family Law & Divorce
- Litigation
- Municipal & Administrative Law
- Personal Injury
- Probate Law
- Real Estate & Environmental Law
- Tax Law